The Seasons of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is called the land of six seasons It has a temperate climate because of its physical location.The change of season is mainly due to the change in attitudee of the earth's axis in relation to the position of the sun at a particular place.

Summer-The summer days are longer than the nights.At this time the southerly or southwesterly monsoons flow over the country.Comprise Baishakh and Jyaistha(mid-April to mid -June).

The Rainy Season-Traditionally spreads over Asadr and Sharaban(mid -june to mid -August).Most of the floodplains of the country remain inundated during this period.

Autmn-This is traditionally the season when housewives put out clothes,musty and damp because of the rains,to air and dry in the hot sun of Bhadra.Lasts during Bhadra and Ashvin (mid-August to mid -October).

Late Autmn-The fourth season,covers Kartik and Agrahayan(mid-October gto mid-December).Actually it is a transitional phase between autmn and winter.

Winter-The fifth season and the colder part of the year in contrast to summer,the hotter.According to the Bangla calender it spreads over the months of Paus and Magh(mid -December to mid -February).

Spring-The last of the seasons occurs between winter and summer,spreads over the Bangla months Phalgun and Chaitra(mid -February to mid-April).Spring is called the king of seasons.
